Humanity is complex, sublimely gifted, and individually unique. Part of your individuality is your mind, a complex instrument that allows you to think. Our wonderful creator God knows every individual better than they know themselves, and has set in place a plan for each and every person that has lived since the beginning of time.
While you human beings could never begin to understand the breadth and depth of this reality, you have been given a mind to think about what you see around you, what you observe in others, and what you experience as you journey through life. The pleasant things that cross your path impact on you in a particular manner, as do the good, the bad and the ugly. This combination of the positive and negative influences along your journey shape your understanding of how things are for you at a particular time.
Your soul is constantly searching for love, a search which is often impacted and set off-course by the wrong choices you make along the way. Many continue to make wrong choices day after day, month after month, year after year. Unless they experience a "defining moment" and make moves to find the path they should be on, a continuation down the wrong path will end in disappointment and disillusionment.
It does not have to be like this. You have a mind to think things out, to filter the good from the not so good, and to decide for the better. More often than not this will mean examining your current circumstances, changing course, discarding bad influences and choosing the better road.
Think carefully, take good advice where you need to, and adjust things in your life where necessary, even if it's a hard change to make.
Ask me to help, i'm here waiting for your request.